In an increasingly aggressive job market, staying relevant is no longer a choice but a necessity! Over the last couple of years, workplaces have undergone both subtle and radical changes. From technical advancement to the arrival of Generation Y, the career backdrop has changed considerably. Gone are the days of ‘deadwoods’ or employees who merely went through the motions of their jobs. These days, employers look for people who continuously add value to their organisations.
But what should employees do to stay relevant in a rapidly evolving world of work? Well… staying relevant in the workplace requires planning and reinventing of oneself. It starts with finding a job that you are passionate about. If you love what you are doing then improving your knowledge and skills comes naturally to you! And staying relevant doesn’t become a chore but an instinctive progression.
So here are some pointers for knowing the pulse of your industry and keeping your skills fresh:
Always be eager to learn:
The eagerness to learn is the most important quality needed to succeed in your career. Embrace learning as a lifestyle! Read journals, articles and anything you can get your hands on related to your career and industry you work in. Try and carve out an hour a week to read the latest career and industry news. Learn by reading, asking questions and by experimenting. Learn by whatever method you prefer to benefit and motivate yourself in your overall general and career well-being.
Know the dynamics of your industry:
Myopia serves no one! Keep yourself abreast with the latest developments both in your company and outside so that you are in the best position to know if your own techniques are favourable. Try understanding the bigger picture. Remember it’s not just about capability, it’s about the best possible performance and merely “competent” players are forever in the risk of being rendered redundant by professionals who have optimised performances and have carved a place by redefining or raising the bar.
Verify the needs of your clients regularly:
Just as the world is continuously changing so are the needs of your clients over the time. Most clients don’t tell you what becomes immaterial to them or no longer meets their requirements. Make sure to survey your clients to ask what they’d like you to stop, start, and continue doing for them.
Know your competitors well:
Knowing the latest products your competitors are offering or developing is another great way to make yourself and possibly your entire organization relevant. We are not talking about corporate espionage but a quick Internet search will most likely give you the answers you want.
Network through social media
We constantly hear that in today’s time “who” we know is as significant as “what” we know. So join online professional groups and use the latest forms of social media to stay on top of things. Try and be actively present on these business groups and pages and start creating an online name for yourself as an “expert” on certain topics. You will not only connect with like minded people but also pick up fresh business insights which would serve you well in your own job.
Look at the bigger picture:
Taking out time to sit back at frequent gaps and tracking your own progression to know if your performance and professional growth tangent are as they should be is also the key. From the very start you should chart your individual growth plan. It should include short term and long-term goals and ways to expand your skill sets and achieve all the major and minor milestones along the way.
The world is evolving so fast that one can become irrelevant in the blink of an eye. Staying relevant is a constant learning curve. There’s always some young gun right behind you armed with the latest training and technology to usurp you. Proactively managing your career and staying relevant takes effort and dedication. But the benefits and rewards of increased job satisfaction and development are well worth it.