The fear of the unknown always exists! Your first encounter with the first real job can be quite a nerve-racking experience, especially the first day which is a whirlwind of introductions and meetings. Ideally, you would want to ooze reliability, good manners, a great grooming and above all the zeal to learn something new. Your days of lazily rolling out of the bed, taking naps between classes or staying up until 3 am need to get over. After all no office needs another sleepy head, toxic worker or the know it all gossip hound!
Here are few tips to help you make the transition from your classrooms to your office cubicles!
Make a perfect first impression
Recreate your wardrobe and spruce up your appearance. Remember that first impressions can have a lingering effect. So, dress to impress. Professional doesn’t always imply a suit, but it depends on the industry or the company you applying for. So dress the part and make sure to leave a lasting impression.
Stay relaxed and concentrate
You want to be razor sharp, clear-eyed and preferably wide awake while you interact with dozens of new people, process loads of important information, choose your network password and figure out the quickest way to the restroom. So stay calm and focused and control your nervous habits. Don’t ramble if it makes you nervous and try and limit your babble.
Exude confidence
Don’t be tagged as a narcissistic! Your demeanor should spell that you deserve to be there. Feel free to share your thoughts and believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.
Be innovative
From the very first day, show that you bring novelty to the table. Don’t take a back seat in the first few days. Volunteer for work and share ideas with your boss and colleagues. A guaranteed way to impress your boss is to show up with a clear understanding of how the company operates. And thanks to the internet, this is a cinch! You don’t have to churn out all the info at once but this is a sure shot way of keeping yourself from saying something stupid in front of your higher-ups.
Restraint is the key
If you are high the bubbly, free spirited one then it’s better to tone it down a notch. You are the new person, which means you do not know which lines not to cross. So play safe and don’t join the fray just yet.
Raise the bar for yourself
Even if you are the new kid on the block, it’s always good to set your priorities early on. Appear like a team player, plan ahead and ensure that you are working as close to your best performance as possible.
Learn to love what you do and make work a pleasant experience. Be a person of your word, respect and stick to the company rules and carry your load to ensure a smooth ride ahead.