A promotion never falls into your lap! The biggest delusion about promotions is that they naturally happen with time. And it’s not adequate to think that you are actually worthy of one!
Earlier, professionals progressed along explicit career paths during their careers but the impact of globalization, technology and flatter organizational structures has altered that paradigm today. Professionals now have to craft and control their individual career paths – through one or several organizations. And promotions are not always a vertical path. Sometimes – particularly in today’s industry milieu – you might need to make a lateral shift to place yourself for a later upward movement.
So here are few practical steps for putting you on the path to a much deserved promotion:
Demonstrate strong work ethics:
Exceptional performance reviews aren’t just enough to get you a promotion, but they’re surely significant. So are punctuality, good attendance and an eagerness to go that extra mile when the business needs it. So know what is required from you and deliver on time and precisely. If unsure, ask your boss or team members. People around should know that you are a reliable, “go-to person” and a specialist in your domain. While promotions are not essentially based on your past performances, you can definitely make a much better case by presenting in depth information about your past accomplishments. Keep a record of all that you do that enhances the bottom line of your organisation, puts your department in a good light, is new and innovative, and that confirms your reliability and devotion towards the organization.
Toot your own horn:
In an ideal world, promotions would be purely based on merits! But we don’t live in an ideal world and marketing ourselves becomes an absolute requisite. So if you want to move up the career ladder, you’ve got to demonstrate that you are highly adept to manage the added responsibilities that a promotion puts forth. Make sure that you do good work consistently, follow the office decorum, and work well with all your colleagues. You also need to document your achievements and quantify your feats that have helped the business grow.
Always aim to grow as a professional:
Envision how you want to grow professionally and start living it, talking it and looking the part today! Volunteer for projects within your department and across. Such work will give you ample opportunity to gain more experience, display your skills to a larger group, increase your network and get recognition. Remember, your bosses are forever on the lookout for talent. Your next lateral shift or promotion could come from your exceptional work contributions. Because you never know who is keeping an eye on you!
Do your research and be reasonable:
While aiming for a salary raise, make sure you have practical expectations. Do a thorough research on how much other employees in your industry in similar positions are being paid. For a more precise measure, speak to people in the same industry or friends about your expectations. You will not only have better clarity but will also be able to negotiate a realistic pay raise. You don’t have to sell yourself short, but you also don’t have to be unreasonable.
Do Your Best Everyday:
This is one of the most significant tips for getting a promotion. Focus on DOING your best Everyday! Do not bask in the glory of your previous efforts. Employers ‘Do not’ hand out promotions to just anyone! If they believe they need somebody to fill a vacant spot, they watch out for people who are best for the job- people who perform consistently and excel in their roles and beyond. That’s where you come in ….hopefully!
Getting promoted needs a lot more than doing just what your job demands! You can get yourself promoted by having the right attitude! You still may not get a promotion soon but stay the course! And while you are awaiting the hike, build your skill base, expand your network, and gain confidence! Remember-You must exhibit patience; after all, that is what achievers are made of!