Hooray! You have effectively completed a gruelling round of résumés and interviews and have an offer in hand! Now what? Don’t flow away with the euphoria just yet. You still have some unfinished business to do. It’s time for you to enter into one of the most crucial phases of your job search crusade; time for you to cautiously evaluate your job offer.
When a job offer is extended, it’s astonishing how swiftly the minute can shift from celebrations to gut-wrenching apprehension. It can be unsettling, particularly if you have only a vague idea of what you want from the employer. There are numerous issues you might want to consider. Will the job be interesting? Will the organization be a good place to work at? What are the opportunities for your career advancement? Is the salary fair? So, if you haven’t already figured out what exactly you want, the following article might help you develop a set of criteria for judging job offers.
Your job offer checklist:
Evaluate the position:
The position is the most significant component of the offer. In times when jobs have a shorter tenure, every position becomes the stepping-stone to the subsequent one. So if you have a career path in mind, step back and think! Is this the right opportunity for you at this point of time? Would this position align you with your future career path? Does this job give you opportunities to grow for your sustained professional progression?
How does the salary stack up?
Understanding the salary part is the most significant piece of the job offer which can help you reach a well-informed decision. Start with some research into what the average salary is for a person with your qualification, experience and expertise. There are several online tools that can help you calculate salaries for a particular job. But if a new job offers you a remuneration that is notably less than your current one, then think about whether there are any added benefits that will balance the dip in pay. For example, if work-life balance is vital for you, ask about flexible working hours and telecommuting. However, at times the benefits with no billable hours are less tangible but still considerable. Only you can decide for yourself if and by how much these non-monetary benefits can outweigh a lesser pay check.
Bonuses and Benefits:
Bonuses can put in something extra in your entire compensation package. So discuss with your employer about the various bonuses which can either be based on individual performances or be relative to the profit of the organisation. Additional benefits provided by organizations are mostly standardized. So, it is essential to check for health benefits, job benefits, perks etc.
Look at the bigger picture:
If you haven’t really contemplated over your career aspirations, now would be the perfect occasion to do so. Once you have a clear idea of what your course is, you would be able to classify which jobs will give you the expertise and experience you need to get there. How will this job fit in with your overall career path? Will it shift you forward on the path or take you on a detour that you might rather evade?
Negotiating a better deal:
Sometimes you really want the job you’ve been offered, but you find the salary, benefits, or hours unfavourable. In such cases, it’s time to negotiate. You might be reluctant to do so fearing that the company may withdraw the offer or react negatively. However, if you truly want the job you might as well negotiate for a better deal rather than walk away from a great prospect without even trying.
Remember; whether you plan to accept, decline or freeze the offer you must always acknowledge, out of courtesy. If you decide to decline then be diplomatic and make a positive statement about the company. Don’t be negative; you never know when you might bump into them again in your career course.