Fear is a normal feeling-especially if you’re a first timer! It’s the fear of the unknown that gives you the uncomfortable jitters and rips you apart. Getting a call for an interview, whether it’s your first or tenth is always an exciting experience but an immensely stressful one. But interestingly, you are not the only one who gets paralyzed with fear and dreads the confrontation. Even the most confident of candidates become a bundle of nerves while facing a prospective employer! Majorly there are two factors that contribute to the interview fear, the first being a more rational one that arises from a lack of preparation and the other a more psychological one that worries you even if you are well prepared.
So, let’s address fears that stem from a job interview and share ways to overcome them:
Your self-image matters
The image you have about yourself dictates your success! The way you feel about yourself leaves an impact in your mind consciously or subconsciously. But the great news about your self-image is that it can be attuned and managed. So, try and have total control over all the ideas that you hold about yourself. Push away any negative or damaging thoughts about yourself and replace them with positive and affirmative ideas to build a mindset of success.
A lasting first impression
Most candidates dread the worst when they cross the threshold of the interviewer’s office: a place full of people glaring at you and smirking as if to say “who let you in here?” But the fact is, most of them are just as apprehensive as you are. So how to proceed? Well for starters, dress well, feel good about yourself and be natural. Extend a firm handshake while introducing yourself and keep eye contact and, if possible try using the name of the person who’s interviewing you. This not only creates a sense of intimacy but also shows that you are serious about your interaction. Also be ready for small talk! It’s just one of the ways of breaking the ice. Don’t be taken aback if it’s about random stuff like the traffic or whether you managed to find your way or not.
Research the company well
Ideally you would want to get a head start on the interview process much before you walk into your employer’s office. So grab the opportunity and learn as much as you can about what the company’ profile, its products, competition, standing in the marketplace and future plans. Visit the company’s web site or dig up your connections to see if you are connected to anyone who has previously worked or currently working for the company. If possible call them beforehand and ask some questions. Being well-versed in a company’s mission and history not only comes in handy but also helps you decide whether it’s a place you even want to work or not.
Anticipate those tough Questions
Fortune favors the prepared mind and this is particularly true when it comes to a job interview. Be ready for direct questions like “Why do you think you would be perfect for this role?” or basic ones like “What kind of work atmosphere or people do you like to work with?” Then there are the stumpers like: “What are your strengths?” or its killer sister like, “What are your weaknesses?” Consider all these questions and design answers for them much before you walk into your interview room. This is where having a mock interview with a friend, family member or coworker helps you and gives you invaluable experience.
And once the interview is over, draw a line under it and let it go. You can’t go back in time and change anything. So, if you think you have made a mistake, learn from it and use this knowledge for the next one but if you did your best, let that be good enough and don’t let it discourage you in your job search.