When times are rough and jobs are few and far between, it’s great to have a strategy in place while looking for a job. You don’t just want ‘a job’. You want a job that is satisfying, gives you a decent amount of money in your wallet, and is something that you feel like coming to everyday! So what does it take to find a good job in turbulent times? Is it the correct attitude that helps you survive or is it the perfect blend of skills and aptitude that successfully navigates you in tough times?
Just read on to know the best practices that ‘turn things around in your favor’ in bleak times:
Let go of the past, stay optimistic:
Hanging on to the skeletons of the past stops you from moving ahead in life. Difficult times require you to be robust, optimistic and have conviction in yourself. You need to deal with setbacks swiftly, learn from them and then move on. You should just believe in yourself and stay firm on your plans.
Chalk out a plan first
Often hard pressed to promptly find a new job and a regular source of income, most job aspirants don’t feel the need to create a big-picture line of attack. They simply apply to multiple openings as fast as possible. This approach is born out of short sighted fear; it’s not the attitude of a long term, solution oriented person! So what does one do? The first step is to figure out where the jobs are! Steer clear of the industries that are hit the hardest. Instead target on the ones that are the least affected and have the best suited roles for you. Have a clear picture of the kind of job you want and also a well chalked out plan on how to get it.
Push yourself to go the extra mile
Tough times are not the times to hunker down. Instead, it’s the time to come out and pitch in for positive results. Looking for a job is a full time job in itself. So to start with, hide your ‘desperately seeking for a job’ approach. If employers sense that getting a job is your only concern, they see that as a red flag and consider you more of a burden than a value addition to their organisation. Also have multiple resumes for every industry you are applying to. This allows you to highlight skills that a specific employer is looking for. Project yourself as someone who will increase the bottom line of any organisation in every way possible.
Stay connected and be aware of trends
Staying isolated often leads to job-loss depression and saps your energy. It lets inertia slip in the door. So fight it! Stay connected with your colleagues and old friends. Attend networking events, professional meetings, get a new certification or do anything that interests you. The idea is to stay connected with people and knowledge since both are powerful stimulants for success. Look out for opportunists and grab them wherever they are. Remember, employers always look out for candidates who are flexible, appealing, eager, meticulous, fit opportunists. So learn the industry trends and buzzwords, act quickly and pick on industries that are still growing.
Leverage your contacts
Not everyone with a great job knows someone! But the chances of getting a job increases dramatically if you have an ‘in’ at the place you are applying to. Talk to people you know and ask them to keep an ear to the ground in terms of job openings. Don’t just hound your friends but make sure that the idea stays in their minds.
Remember, the idea is to believe in yourself and identify how your talent can add worth to any organization. Learn to explore and don’t limit yourself to things that you did in the past. This way you will soon know how you can add value to dissimilar kinds of jobs. Everyone goes through a lull but some succeed because they have a strategy in place. They simply figure out how to get around the road blocks they come across and then manage to surface again.