We spend about one third of our lives working so finding a job that we truly love becomes extremely important for our general well being. But if you are amongst those who are miserable in their jobs or who have the frequent nagging feeling that your job and self are out of alignment, then you are not alone! One of the toughest things about finding a job that you love is identifying what really makes you happy and what you are actually good at. The tricky part for most people is conquering the fear of change and negotiating the labyrinth of choices, particularly in a tough economy!
So here are few realistic steps to help you tame this fear and find the job that you love:
Being confused is perfectly normal:
Firstly, a soothing thought: Confusion about career choices is absolutely normal. We often become so nervous about making the wrong selection that we end up making no choice at all. Psychologists call this the “paradox of choices”: several options leading to decision paralysis! Then add to this the integral repugnance to risk. Humans have the innate ability to magnify everything that can possibly go haywire. So one needs to realize that confusion is normal and get ready to look beyond it.
Reflect on your current work
Most people switch jobs to get away from bad situations. However, before you start hunting for a new job, think about what you don’t like about your existing one. Is it the actual work, the surroundings, your colleagues or your boss? If you actually enjoy your work then look for a similar role at a different company. But, if you hate your work itself, it’s time to think of an entirely new career field.
Tune into your interests and passion:
The single wisest piece of career advice was offered thousands of years ago when Aristotle stated, “Where the needs of the world and your talents cross, there lies your vocation.” And he would have definitely endorsed the modern research findings which show that those chasing status and money are not likely to feel content. So, the best option is to search for the right career, which focuses on issues and values that matter to you, and which also lets you to do something that you’re really good at.
Dare to be different:
Each one of us has special gifts and talents. Don’t write off your love for talking to strangers at social gatherings or your inclination for chalking out plans or your flair for organizing parties. These are all profitable talents and rarer than you might think. Try combining what you naturally enjoy doing and use them as a starting point to explore areas you find exciting. Something like planning an event for a social butterfly or consulting for a business freak? Just dare to be different, do your research and try some innovative combinations. You never know when a stylish art space might be looking for a financial expert!
Tread carefully:
Many a times, we aren’t too sure of what we like and what we don’t. We haven’t tested our abilities enough to make a good decision. There’s so much we can do to find the career that we love that it often becomes overwhelming. So, go slow and avoid doing too many things in different directions! Start with making a coffee rendezvous with an exciting new contact or scheduling an unofficial interview with your dream organisation. And who knows—you might end up spending time with a future boss or co-worker.
Network your way through:
You have shortlisted the jobs that you love but you just can’t get through them! Here, networking comes in handy. Wake up the network of people you know and find a link that might fix up the interview you are keen on. Most companies are keen on referrals. So, just go through your network of family and friends and find a common link.
Taking the decision to follow your dream can sometimes be tougher than actually achieving it. So do some research, have self-confidence and a positive attitude and find out about the first steps you need to take — and then take them!