An interview is the perfect opportunity to present the very best version of yourself and convince employers why you’re the right person for the job. In actuality, this high-pressure experience can induce all kinds of weird behaviour and gaffes.
Job interviews can be an excruciating, with most of us finding ourselves bumbling and stumbling through them. However, if one focuses on the significant things, they can feel relaxed and more in control of the situation.
Here we share some of the common interview mistakes that you can avoid to clinch the best possible deal:
You are late, mate!
Arrive at least ten minutes before the interview starts. After maneuvering your way via a private or public transport, it is most likely that your hair and clothes don’t stay in pristine shape. Arriving early for your interview gives you a chance to make sure you know where you are going. It also gives you enough time to settle in, get calm and collected before entering the company doors.
Dressing sloppily
Dressing for success is a common saying but most of us often take it lightly. If you think you can never go wrong with an elegant suit and polished shoes then think again! While a suit is normally preferred in a serious industry like Finance, it could appear as stifling and boring in a creative media company. So the idea is to dress according to the job you are applying to. It’s better to verify the dress code prior to the interview. Be presentable- show up in neat professional clothes. Dress on the conservative side and avoid wearing anything distracting and jazzy.
Not being prepared
This interview could be an important landmark in your career so reread your resume and the job description just before the interview. You would be amazed to know how many people forget what they write in their resumes. Also, know the job description well so that you can draw on your experiences, strengths and skills and connect them with the needs of the employer. Emphasise on how you are perfect for the job. Make sure you carry with you everything you have been asked for, like your important educational certificates as well as your personal portfolio.
Failing to research the company
Nothing spells lack of interest like a candidate who hasn’t done a pre-interview research. On the flick side, the best way to impress your employer is to display your interest with a few well thought out questions that echo your acquaintance with the organization.
Discussing salary way to soon
Don’t jump the gun regarding the salary. The right time to discuss your compensation is when a concrete offer is on the table. Don’t bring up the issue prematurely. You might hurt your chances of getting the job. The subject will come up inevitably but let your employer raise it, which will typically take place in the second round. Once the topic is raised, you can ask whether it’s open to discussion and what benefits come along with it.
Lack of self-confidence and eagerness
Lack of self-confidence can be a huge turn off. If you come across as too edgy, it might appear that you are not confident enough. If you really want the job, you have to sell yourself to the employer. Sound interested and excited for the job prospect. Maintain eye contact, greet the interviewer with a firm handshake and smile and show general courtesy. You don’t have to blabber in the interview. Make sure to ask few intelligent questions as interviews are an exchange of information, and not coming in with questions shows that you are not prepared enough.
No follow up
A thank-you or a polite email to the interviewer is the perfect way of expressing gratitude for their consideration and time. And while you don’t want to call the company every other day, it’s is ok to check on them once in a week after the interview.
Avoid these and give yourself a genuine shot at a second round interview. Good luck!