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Naukri Resume Services

Finding A Job That You Love

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We spend about one third of our lives working so finding a job that we truly love becomes extremely important for our general well being. But if you are amongst those who are miserable in their jobs... Read More

Dealing With A Bad Appraisal

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It’s that time of the year again when you would have received the much awaited appraisal letter…. For some, it would be a sheer delight but for some a heartbreak! So, what do you plan to do? Just... Read More

Tips To Beat Stress At Work

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Feeling so stressed that you just cannot think straight? Trust us, you're not alone! Pretty often, in the race against time when we try to focus our attention on getting things done, we most likely... Read More

Interview Preparation Tips

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The success of your career depends a lot on how you conduct your interviews. The better your interviews, the better will be your chances to get hired. The minutes you spend in your interview are... Read More

Cover Letter Tips

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Ever slogged over your resume and still were not shortlisted for the lack of a polished introduction? A cover letter, more often than not, is the most overlooked aspect of a person’s job search.... Read More

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