Dear Jobseeker,
This is to inform you that a fake agency is sending mails to individuals informing them about job opportunities in well known companies such as PETRONAS OIL COMPANY, VIRGIN ATLANTIC AIRWAYS, HEATHROW AIRPORT, BRITISH PETROLEUM, PRIMA HOTEL GROUP, QATAR AIRWAYS etc. The individuals behind such fraudulent operations at times use foreign accents to influence candidates.
In case you or any of your acquaintances have received any such mail, you are advised to bring it to immediate notice of the Management of the particular Company which has been named as the ultimate employer in the fraud job offer being circulated on the internet.
You may verify the legitimacy of a job offer received via the internet by visiting the Security Advice carried on & educating yourself about the probability of the claims being made in the mail/job listing being false/ fraudulent.
Remember: under no circumstance should you pay any employer/agency in exchange for providing any employment!
An example of an email with fraudulent intentions being circulated by a fake agency in the guise of providing employment with Petronas Oil Company is pasted below for your reference, DO NOT RESPOND TO SUCH MAILS!

Regards, Team |