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With Naukrigulf job postings, you can
Post a job in 3 minutes - fast and simple!
Connect with talent from 160+ nationalities
Find the best fit with advanced filters and custom questions
Work smarter with AI powered tools (Craft job descriptions quickly and find AI matching responses)
$ 0 $ 100
Full access to AI features
Centralized response management
100 response views
$ 170
3 Job Postings
Unlimited response views
Centralised response management
AI powered job posting
1 year validity
Dedicated customer support
Branding- Company banner and video on JD
Quick & effortless job posting with a 1-Page form
Build a new job description in no time with the 'Write JD Using AI’.
Highlight your job advertisement by showcasing your Employer Brand
Differentiate yourself & get greater responses
Reach out to candidates actively looking for jobs
Your job is automatically sent to matching candidates
'Matching responses folder' automatically separates relevant responses
Set filters against responses to your 'Custom Questions'
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