Youth comes with a number of advantages, one of them being an enhanced ability to bounce back from adversities with energy and passion. As we grow older, we often settle into secure patterns, and don’t always have the enthusiasm to make bigger changes in our lives. But a career change at this time in our life can be a welcoming choice!
Undoubtedly, a midlife career change is a frightening business, laden with obstacles—an unwilling spouse, financial apprehensions or the fear of failure. But the opportunity to follow your passion and do the kind of work you’d always dreamt of doing could be well worth the effort. It can get taxing, but if planned properly and executed, it can be a gratifying and enriching experience. You might be even amazed at your ability to fine-tune and succeed when presented with newer challenges.
So where do you exactly start? And how do you prepare yourself for the path ahead?
Set below are few tips to help you handle a mid-life career change with enthusiasm and grace.
Take inspiration and stay realistic:
It’s great to take motivation from all those who ‘made it’ later in life and who credit their former experiences in preparing them for the career they ultimately found success in. But before you think of making a similar move, mull over your personal situation from all significant angles critically. Assess your financial condition and other realities you’ll be accountable for. Be certain you’re not seeing a new career through rose tinted glasses; research it extensively, speak to those already in it, and have a genuine zeal for it that’s so absolute, it’s almost real.
Don’t be in a hurry:
Don’t move too quickly! A mid life career change is a huge step, full of career and financial pitfalls. Don’t imagine all you job disappointments to fade away magically. Instead, utilize this time to take stock of what you cherish in life, what you want to leave as a legacy from your life and work, and how you would want to balance out the first phase of your life. You might experience bouts of fear and anxiety but do it anyway! – As long as you have done a thorough self-analysis and the career transition seems like the better option – go for it! There will always be some doubt, but don’t let that paralyze you or stop you from achieving better things in life. Leaving a secure job you have had for a long can be tricky, but don’t throw away the opportunity you have to create a more meaningful life. You might think that the time for challenges and thrilling opportunities are over but it’s always better to give it a shot rather than regret later!
Don’t Short-change your skills:
At some point, it might seem like you need to have a vast assortment of tech-based skills just to match pace with the younger generation. If you see things this way, it’s time for you to change your perspective. Your knowledge is worth more than a lot of certifications and is extremely important. You have made things happen during your career and your knack to drive results makes you exceptionally attractive to organizations that need people with years of experience behind to come in and make significant improvements. These qualities are unparalleled and are hard to come in from the younger generation. So don’t be reluctant to let the world know about the tools in your toolbox!
Test the waters:
As per research, people looking for a midlife career change are more likely to make successful switches experientially rather than analytically. The big exposure comes from diving in and trying new things to see what works. The choices are way too many depending on the field you are in. Sabbaticals, college courses or even short apprenticeships can allow you to step out of your daily practice, get hands-on experience and test-drive a new path before quitting your job
Reach out to your peers:
One of the toughest parts of handling a midlife career change is the feeling that you have to do it all alone. Switching careers takes guts, and doing it all by yourself can get draining. Fortunately, there are several other professionals who are in the same boat as you. So reach out to them to find opportunities more easily and quickly. Additionally, you can also foster connections that will help you build your new career once it’s off the ground.
Remember guys, it’s never too late! Like many other professionals, if you’ve spent time doing work that doesn’t seem to be your true calling , embrace the exhilaration that comes from forging a new career path. You have amazing skills and talents and you’re finally in a position where you can explore your abilities. So stay positive and gear up for the most satisfying time of your professional life. The possibilities are limitless. Just set aside fear and take the plunge. Because the biggest rewards come from taking the biggest risks!